Organic structure
Optimizing the structure of organic
material, saving 16% energy.

Your Device
The image shows a transparent smartphone shape located in the center and an aurora rising above the rocks and rivers at the back.
You can see a green natural image on the OLED smartphone display. When you scroll down, Samsung OLED's luminous efficiency increase by 16% is displayed along with the arrows. [When you click More Button on the top right] To express Organic Structure, Samsung OLED's luminescence-based technique, +,- molecules, stairs, and smartphone screens are displayed.
Samsung OLEDs use an optimized chemical structure of organic materials to trigger a more efficient light emission process. This is similar to the organic chemical reaction used by fireflies—nature’s most efficient producers of bioluminescence.
Lighting Efficiency
When you scroll down, the dark background turns bright. You can see a hand holding a smartphone of a person lying on the sunbed in the swimming pool. The images in OLED smartphones are clear even in a bright outdoor environment. In the upper right corner of the screen, there is a certification mark certified by UL, a global safety certification company, indicating that Samsung OLED has been recognized for its outdoor visibility.
See all the sun touches. Even under bright sunlight, Samsung OLED stays clear and visible with a mesmerizing 1,500 nit or more of brightness. On sunny, cloudy, or rainy days, over a 21% higher UL verified color gamut makes all outdoor viewing a vivid visual pleasure.
On the left, various contents in Samsung smartphone OLED slides in transition. On the right, the power consumption of each content is expressed in Hz and in graphs. Games and sports that require fast motion are at the highest level which is 120Hz, and SNS surfing, which shows a static image, is at the lowest level with 10Hz. Video clip viewing at normal speed requires 60Hz which is at the intermediate stage, and typing modes such as writing e-mail consume power at 30Hz, which is below intermediate stage.
Power how you need it. Adaptive Frequency technology matches your type of usage. Blitz through high-speed games at a 120Hz refresh rate. Or snap a picture using only 10Hz. The auto adjusting refresh rate gives you smooth motion quality with reduced power consumption, for longer-lasting battery life.
IC power Consuming
Fast Motion
Game, Sports
IC power Consuming
Still Images
SNS Watching
IC power Consuming
Video Clips
Netflix, Youtube
IC power Consuming
Still Images
IC power Consuming
Typing Mode
You can see the image of a fast-running race car throughout the screen. When you scroll down, the image gradually decreases, and a line is formed in the center dividing the panel into two and showing the comparison of LCD and OLED screens. The car image on the left LCD is blurry, while the car image on the right OLED is clear. Samsung OLED Seamless Pro certification mark certified by SGS, a global certification company, is located in the upper right corner of the screen.
No blur, all the action. See crisp, smooth, clear detail even in blazingly high-speed scenes. Seamless viewing for intense, competitive gaming or fast-paced sports matches. Experience 1.5x conventional flat-panel displays clarity at the same 120Hz rate thanks to the faster response speed and spontaneous light of Samsung OLED.
No blur, all the action. See crisp, smooth, clear detail even in blazingly high-speed scenes. Seamless viewing for intense, competitive gaming or fast-paced sports matches. Experience 1.5x conventional flat-panel displays clarity at the same 120Hz rate thanks to the faster response speed and spontaneous light of Samsung OLED.
Diamond pixels of various colors appear and are scattered in the background. Each pixel moves like a wave and transited to OLED smartphone products. The phrase "Samsung OLED" with bumpy borders appears on the smartphone screen and a white line passes through the entire phrase from left to right. The border of the phrase becomes clearer and shows the resolution and legibility of diamond pixels.
Intricate detail using less energy. Diamond Pixel technology presents a revolution in expressing crisp lines, clear shapes, and extraordinarily sharp detail. Its clarity is achieved using fewer but more ingeniously aligned pixels. Text is more readable and distinct images leap from the screen.
Samsung Diamond Pixel™
OLED 2020 and OLED 2021 are displayed left and right on the screen, and you could see an index finger icon scrolling from the center. As you scroll down, the screen of the smartphone moves down and the content changes. The contents of OLED 2021 are clear, while you cannot clearly identify the contents in OLED 2020 as the images are blurry. It shows the fast response speed function of Super Touch.
Touch latency can be a drag. Super Touch dramatically lowers touch latency with lightning-fast processing and performance. Tap away your rivals during intense gameplay or feel instantaneously smooth penflow with 1.25x faster response and 2x quicker processing speeds compared to conventional models.
OLED 2020
OLED 2021
Three displays with a parrot photo appear sequentially in Conventional, Eco² OLED, and Eco² OLED PLUS orders. It shows that Eco² OLED PLUS is more energy-efficient than Eco² OLED with 1.6 times better transmittance rate and provides a more immersive display with a brighter screen.
Brighter gets greener. Achieve more vivid picture quality and reduced power consumption with advanced Eco² OLED Plus. Superior energy efficiency technology saves battery, and saves the Earth in a bright, new way.
(Plastic Layer)
OLED Panel
(x 1.3)
OLED Panel
(x 1.6)
OLED Panel
New organic material is added to Eco² OLED PLUS, decreasing the display's energy consumption by more than one-half compared to conventional displays. The bar graph proves that Samsung Display is eco-friendly.
Extend your battery life through OLED efficiency. Made from innovative organic materials, Eco² OLED Plus provides all-day energy and cuts battery consumption by more than half. Maximize both your usage and efficiency.
Energy Consumption@same brightness
It is a screen that shows UPC PLUSTM shows 1.4 times better resolution than UPC through a magnified part where the camera is hiding, which is near the numerical figures showing the time.
Perfectly hidden, even when reading text. A high-quality camera is tucked beneath a display with boosted resolution and readability, so the finest details are sharp and clear. The more immersive UPC Plus brings a lot to love. Even if it stays hidden.
Perceived Resolution
Improvement of Readability
Various colors are displayed on the unfolded OLED panel, and when you scroll down, the panel folds into a V shape. On the left side of the screen, there is bold typography explaining that Samsung Foldable OLED has a curvature of R 1.4, and on the right side of the screen, there is an explanation of curvature comparison with other companies' Foldable OLEDs and Samsung Foldable OLEDs. Each curvature value is 5 R and 1.4 R.
An even crisper, cleaner fold and less space in between. The remarkably tiny 1.4R curvature of the Samsung Flex OLED creates a sharper bend, for more compact and precise smartphone designs. Folding stress is minimized by the display layers' staggered structure, making such a small curve possible.
R 1.4
Fold with a minimum radius
R=5 Other foldable OLED
R=1.4 Samsung foldable OLED
On the left side of the image, there is a phrase "Flexible like a film but strong like glass" which is an explanation of UTG (Ultra Thin Glass). The unfolded UTG is folded like a film paper, and the image of water droplets shaped in butterflies overlaps at the bottom.
The excellent transparency and hardness of real glass, but foldable. Even with heavy usage of 100 folds a day, UTG stands up to over five years of constant use. That's equal to enduring over 200,000 folds and still working fine, in tests verified by Bureau Veritas.
Tough like glass
But flexible like film
The photo and graph show that other manufacturers undergo a slimming process after spreading out chemicals to make Ultra Thin Glass, while Samsung Display does not harm the environment in making UTC.
Slim straight from the start. Cutting-edge UTG glass manufacturing eliminates harmful waste with no compromise on durability, creating an extremely thin, eco-friendly display perfect for folding. Less waste for a smaller footprint.
A video testing the durability of the Ultra Thin Glass (UTG) will be played. The UTG inserted into the machine is repeatedly folded and unfolded, and the center of the image states that it has undergone 200,000 folding tests at room temperature.
The excellent transparency and hardness of real glass, but foldable. Even with heavy usage of 100 folds a day, UTG stands up to over five years of constant use. That's equal to enduring over 200,000 folds and still working fine, in tests verified by Bureau Veritas.
Fold Tested 200k Times at Room Temp.
※ Heavy user usage of folder phone: 100 times a day / 5 years basis
The screen shows how durable the Samsung Foldable Displays are. The folded foldable display unfolds as it shows regions with extremely high and extremely low temperatures, Death Valley, Helsinki, Kuwait, Moscow in sequence with the temperature in degrees Celsius.
Tackle temperature extremes. Samsung Foldable OLED displays fold
and function effortlessly in a range of intense climates, from frigid -20°C
tundras to sizzling 60°C desserts. It’s tested to withstand over 150,000 folds,
so you can confidently fold and unfold, wherever you go.
A screen full of sand, It is a motion graphic that shows the glass-making process through the gathering of sand.
Save sand, save Earth. Our precious natural resource is quickly vanishing from over-mining.
Instead of exploiting our Earth's sand supplies, OLED displays prioritize using recycled
glass to keep sand where it belongs.
(protects against
(dissipates strong
wave impact)
Samsung Display recycles plastic wastes and converts them into glass fiber, which is used in different industries. Diagrams and a photo of Waikiki Beach of Hawaii, which is used as the background, express that half of the sand of Waikiki Beach can be saved.
More sand for our beaches. Since 2016, SDC has recycled
104K tons of glass used in OLED production into usable glass fiber.
Reducing sand consumption to preserve one of our most valuable
resources protects ecosystems and keeps our coastlines beautiful.
100K tons Glass
Recycle as glass fiber
OLED to Sand
Equal to 80K tons
Half the Sand of
Waikiki Beach
To make a ton of glass, 0.8 ton
of sand needed